

Master Hilarion


Also known as: Lord Hilarion

Ray/s:                 5th Ray, 8th Ray
Colour/s:            Orange, Yellow, Green
Focus:                Healing, research, science, knowledge

Master Hilarion is the Chohan or Master of the 5th Ray; the orange ray of ‘Knowledge and Science’. Master Hilarion seeks to expand the awareness of those subjects to the Earth plane. Master Hilarion oversees the ‘Temple of Truth’, and works to help mankind use our minds in order to bring new consciousness and spirituality into all aspects of scientific research, discovery and development.

Master Hilarion works on the Yellow Ray to stimulate the mental faculties into greater creativity, and Master Hilarion also works on the 8th Ray; the Green Ray. Master Hilarion’s vibratory colour is bright yellow and he works with the vibrations of the Green Ray and the Heart Chakra.

Master Hilarion brings healing on all levels, and gives these energies to those born on the 10th, 19th and 28th of the months, as well as those born in January and October.

Master Hilarion resonates with justice, accuracy, responsibility, good judgement and common sense.

Master Hilarion is helping to bring in new aspects of science and research, and encourages us to use our vast mental powers. He works to assist us with expanding our minds and bringing new consciousness and spirituality into all areas of scientific advancements, innovation and development. Master Hilarion works with scientists, mathematicians, inventors, chemists, electricians, musicians, artists, engineers, researchers, doctors and surgeons.

Master Hilarion helps through cleansing and healing the physical, mental and emotional selves, and his energy stimulates the mental facilities. The Master Hilarion offers help to those who may have transgressed in any way. Hilarion reaches into the darkest corners to help those who may have transgressed even to the depths of degradation. Knowing that the spiritual self remains pure and innocent, Master Hilarion helps through cleansing and healing on the physical, mental and emotional levels.

Master Hilarion ushers in new beginnings and a fresh sense of purpose to those who come under his influence. Hilarion helps us to find balance and inspires us to open our minds and hearts to our true potential, and to acknowledge who we truly are as spiritual beings.

Within the ancient Tarot, the Ruling Master of The MAGICIAN card is the Master HIlarion. 

The Ruling Masters of The WHEEL OF FORTUNE Tarot card are the Master Hilarion and the Master Lord Maha Chohan.

The Ruling Master of The SUN Tarot card is The Master Hilarion.

Master Hilarion works with Archangel Raphael on the Orange Ray, the vibration of knowledge, science and research. Together they help you to seek and find personal and Universal truths.

Master Hilarion is said to have been Paul the Apostle in an earlier incarnation on the Earth plane.

Master Hilarion helps with:

- all aspects of scientific research, discovery and development
- cleansing and healing on all levels
- seeking and finding personal and universal truths
- opening our minds and hearts to our true potential
- expanding our spirituality
- mental faculties

Sacred Scribes

1 comment:

  1. 12:12 and it's been 12 hours since the Solar eclipse. I pulled Hilarion's card and upon exploring the name, I recognize synchronicity at work. Wow, Paul!!! ...and then, there is so much more I am resonating with I have to pause and breathe:) love-ly. What an unexpected treat and glorious way to end my night. Ty:)
