

Fill Your Home with Angels


Your home is a reflection of you and you decide upon the energy of your home.
To make your home a place of comfort, peace and respite, you are able to draw upon the energies of the angels.

To make your home welcoming ensure that it is clean and tidy.

Open the windows and doors and allow the stale energies out and fresh air in.

Cleanse the space. You can use incense or a smudge stick and waft the smoke into each corner of every room. Cymbals and bells can be rang, or even the clapping of hands can break up stagnant energies.

Check your bookshelves and be rid of any low vibration books that emit negative, dark energy.

Indoor plants with small leaves (such as ferns), transmute negative energies.

Call in White Light and visualize it filling your home and surrounds.


Be mindful of the pictures and images on display in your home. Beautiful pictures of natural settings such as landscapes and seascapes and images of natural beauty and life (eg children, animals etc) all emit positive energies and light.

Use vibrant colours. Brighten your home with coloured cushions, throws, rugs and décor, and fill your home with plants and flowers.

Create an Angel Altar. Designate a place in your home and put candles, crystals, pictures, figurines and angelic objects on a small table or altar. Meaningful and sentimental tokens and items can also be placed on your angel altar. Take a few moments each day to light a candle and say a prayer.

Many pieces of classical music, as well as ‘new age’ music written specifically to bring harmony and peace, attracts angels to your home. The playing of Tibetan or crystal bowls also attracts angels. Singing, chanting and laughing attracts angels, so fill your home with happy, laughing friends and family.

Thank the angels for coming into your home, and promise them that you will keep the energies light and pure so that they will continue to surround your home with love and light.


Joanne Walmsley
Sacred Scribes


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  3. Thank you for home information and lighting of candles and altar
