

Angel Cards - How to Use Angel Cards

ANGEL CARDS  -  How to Use Angel Cards

Angel Cards are an ideal way to connect and communicate with your angels, and can be bought in New Age stores as well as from mainstream booksellers. Most commercially produced packs of Angel Cards have an information booklet included, with expanded and in-depth descriptions and extended messages pertaining to each Angel card.

Angel cards are designed to encourage creativity and focus, and to enhance intuition and positive interaction within relationships.  Angel Cards provide positive ‘keywords’ or ‘key phrases’ that help to keep you focused on a particular aspect of your life.

In order to enhance the experience of using Angel Cards you are able to make your own set of personal Angel Cards. It is not difficult to do and you don’t necessarily have to be an accomplished artist. All you need is a pen and a piece (or pieces) of cardboard or stiff paper.

On one side of the card you can write a positive quality that you wish to manifest in your life. You can make as many cards as you like, and can add to them as your intuition, understanding and awareness grows and expands.

Uplifting and positive affirmative words are:

* abundance * acceptance * balance * beauty * belief * blessings * change * commitment * compassion * confidence * courage * creativity * curiosity * delight * empathy * empowerment *  enlightenment * enthusiasm * faith * forgiveness * freedom * friendship * generosity * gifts * grace * gratitude * happiness * harmony * healing * honesty * hope * humour * imagination * inspiration * joy * laughter * light * listening * love * patience * peace * purification * purpose * relax*  sensitivity *  sharing * simplicity * surprise * truth * wisdom * wishes  ... amongst others.

How to Use Angel Cards:

*   Intuitively pick a card at the beginning of each day and focus on its message throughout the day. You can put the card in a place where you will see it all day such as your desk or work place, in your car, a handbag, on the fridge door, or even in your pocket.

*  Choose an Angel Card just prior to going to bed at night. Slip it under your pillow for the night, allowing the angels to inspire your dreams and communicate with you whilst you are sleeping.

*  Choose an Angel Card at the beginning of a new cycle, a new venture or project, and on significant days such as anniversaries and birthdays.

*  Pick an Angel Card whenever you are feeling confused, disillusioned, melancholic, unfocused or out of balance. Ask your angels for guidance, clarity, direction and focus.

*  You can choose and Angel Card (or cards) for a friend who may need some help and guidance. Focus on your friend’s question, issue or problem (whatever it may be) and surround them in the angelic quality and attributes of the Angelic message.

Using Angel Cards is a simple method of connecting and communicating with your angels and are an enlightening, empowering and uplifting tool. Rely upon your intuition to come up with different ways of utilizing your Angel Cards.

Joanne Walmsley
Sacred Scribes


  1. This gave me a better idea of my cards,thank you...

  2. Thanks. I always see angel cards in the stores but I never knew how to use it
