

Angel Affirmations


We are able to reinforce our angelic connection by asking the angels to assist us with achieving our goals. This can be done by motivating us to make our dreams come true, and with using angel affirmations.

Prior to making angel affirmations we need to understand exactly what ‘affirmations’ are. Affirmations can be both positive and negative, and we subconsciously make affirmations of all kinds each and every day.  We affirm what we believe, and it becomes a reality. Therefore, we must positively affirm if we wish to see our dreams and desires come to fruition. Never underestimate the power of angel affirmations.

Angel affirmations give the subconscious mind something to work on in the moment.
We are able to use angel affirmations to change our behaviour, thought patterns, mind-sets and attitudes, and even our health.

Write your angel affirmations down on paper. Make them as appropriate and powerful as possible. Keep your angel affirmations positive. When you say your affirmations, feel and believe that it is already taking place.

Call upon the angels to help re-program your thinking. Affirm to your angels “I live with love and light and live a happy and fulfilling life.”

An angel affirmation may consist of “I allow higher states of angelic awareness to manifest in my life.”

“I allow my angels to guide me in my thoughts, behaviours, attitudes and beliefs.”

Affirm to your angels that you want your life to be filled with positive abundance and love.

Affirm to your angels, “everything I encounter is beneficial to my evolvement.”

“My mind, body and soul live in harmony for my wellbeing.”

“My life is a joy and filled with love.”

Allow your angels to assist you with forming your positive angel affirmations.

Joanne Walmsley
Sacred Scribes



  2. I love this website. My walk in light work has been made simplex, while still being aware or the flesh my spirit has become aware of its freedom. Thank you.

  3. Big Love To You.

  4. Thank You do much Joanne for sharing all your wisdom, love, a knowledge <3!
    I love ANGELS, all all you say about them...confirms all my thoughts, feelings and beliefs...It´s Awesome, Magical, Wonderful! I am profoundly GRATEFULLLLL!!!!!
    lOVE & LIGHT!

  5. Thank You❤️ one I formed with my angels is allow myself to hear my angels guidance from my heart❤️

  6. I allow myself to follow my heart that is being guided by angels of God's light and love♥️💫🙏🏼✨🌟🥰🗝️💞
