

Writing to the Angels


Writing to the angels is an effective way to align, connect and communicate with them. You can list your troubles, worries, thoughts and desires, and make requests for prayers and guidance and assistance. Writing to your angels can help you to gain clarity on personal issues, and helps to strengthen the connection you have made with them by establishing a mind/heart link. This link develops as you bring the angels into your mind and heart to direct your thoughts.

The act of writing helps you to organize your thoughts and clear your mind of clutter, and allows the angels to come through to you on a higher frequency. Writing to your angels clears out the static and mind chatter that interferes with clear communication. A thought on paper is encapsulated and complete, and in writing it down you clear out the portion of your brain that held it, making room for something new.

Writing to your angels can also help to loosen your attachment to desires. When you put them out there, you can let them go. If you keep clutching them there is no way you can release them to your angel and receive the support/help/guidance that you need. We can only receive with an open and empty hand.

When writing to your angels, do not hold back. Open your heart and allow your feelings to just pour out freely onto the page. Release and let go of your inhibitions and fears and be honest and earnest with yourself and your true emotions. 

Ask the angels to resolve the issues or problems for your highest good and for the good of all. You are then able to leave it up to the angels to resolve.

When writing to your angels, do not attempt to manipulate the issue or situation. Write down exactly what you are feeling. In time you may be pleasantly surprised at how the problem/issue is resolved, and/or your prayers answered. Angels are able to work in ways that we could never imagine and issues are often resolved in the most unexpected of ways.

Emotions have a profound effect on our health and healing. When we relieve our emotions, a reaction is perceived energetically within our aura as dark spots or patches, and these can develop into tears or holes, particularly if the negative even or emotion is re-lived or replayed over and over without finding resolution and/or healing. This makes writing to the angels most effective in healing and resolving situations and emotions. We must acknowledge and honour our true emotions in order to elevate our consciousness, as this is an act of personal empowerment and self-love.

When you have finished writing to the angels, don’t go over it and/or re-read it. Instead, say out loud, “I now intend to release all of my suffering and feelings over this situation,” and trust that the angels have acknowledged your words.  You can choose to burn the piece of paper, in effect cleansing and purifying your mind, emotions and the negative energies attached.

You can also write to other people’s angels. This is not about trying to control or manipulate someone else;  but rather, it is about expressing your own feelings. You may sometimes find yourself in situations with people you cannot talk to, are unable to reach, or fear you may upset if you speak your truths. You may also have things to say to people who have passed out of your life or who have passed over to the Other Side. Writing to your angels facilitates clear communication on the etheric level.

Angels are beings of ‘connection’, not of ‘control’, and the way in which they help and support us comes from love rather than power. When we ask for help, our angels always respond, but they do so from a wider and higher perspective that we are not able to see. What we perceive as the perfect situation, place, job, lover, whatever, may not be the best choice for our highest good in the long-term, eventhough it may look good to us at that moment and fit our current image of what we want. Through conversing and communicating with our angels, we learn to upgrade our desires  -  to want not simply what we want, but what is best for all. If what you want does not come to you when, or as you wanted it, keep track of the outcome as very often you will find that something better has occurred instead.  

Joanne Walmsley
Sacred Scribes


  1. This is very helpful! It seems to be the right information, just when I needed it. Thank you!

  2. Are there angels for everyone? My life has been full of loss and sadness. Anytime I try to have any hope or faith it it's washed away generating more loss and sadness. I feel like my main purpose on this earth it's to be sad and unable to be happy or fulfilled. I feel as if I'm cursed, darkness follows me everywhere and makes sure my life it's so lived it's sun misery, sadness.
    I'm very depressed, I try to reach out and there is nobody there. No angels to take me by the hand and show me how to escape this darkness.

    1. Your ego is the voice that shoots you down. Try opening up to the universe. Get a japa mala, (a string of 108 prayer beads- what the rosary was based on) and repeat each time for one bead. " I am open to the divine light of the universe" also try to meditate. Praying is asking, meditation is listening. That should help.

    2. I'm with you girl... It's rough. I hope you find the light. I wrote something you might like...

  3. Why are angels only available to certain people? Everytime reach out the door is slammed in my face and I feel like they are laughing at me as if to say "yeah right happiness will never find you"
    There has been nothing but sadness following me my whole entire life. I try to have hope and faith and then something happens again to wash it all away. I feel like I'm cursed and doomed for eternity, not many people would still be standing if they were in my my shoes. Right now im waiting for the next bad thing to happen, and believe me in not will occur. No matter how much positive energy I try to keep, the negative forces of life take over and destroy all my faith and hope at a loss.

    1. I think you should stop expecting bad things to happen to you. Expect good things, and constantly renew your mind with the word of God. Also, CONSCIOUSLY practice being positive. Immediately you have a negative thought, reject it and say what you want. This is something I do regularly.

  4. plz help me out

  5. What can i do if i cant burn my letter

    1. You can simply bury your letter instead ...


  6. I love this article you wrote. I will also admit that it completely turned my life around. Angels are the most gentle beings and once I learned to trust them they always surround me with their love and affection. I cannot say how my life is blessed but so grateful for it.....

  7. Please have faith buddies! I went through hard times as well and i remember being told that praying and believing in god was bad and not to do it but, i remember the first time i prayed to god and the angels to help me and a few years later i was somehow saved for the time being. Life is a roller coaster and has it's up's and down's the best thing to do is to stay strong stay true to yourself learn from your mistakes and then make the best of situations until you're able to go off on you're own and help those around you as well <3

  8. Anyone have experience with asking the angels to return your love to you?

  9. I also want to ask.... tht women i love can be my wife or not

  10. Can i get tht women i love be my wife

  11. Wow...I love this! I find this re-assuring to know that we can also write to others angels and ask for help with someone we love.

  12. may the angels protect your hearts always those who find this found this for a reason greater than you know

    1. When I started communicating with the angels I thought they weren't around but I think I was expecting one to appear before me with a big VOICE"HELLO YVONNE lol I have noticed that the energy shifts and I trust that they have my back. I love your work 😉

  13. Very Good information. I do believe that writing to Angels is effective. Friends of mine have tried it. Within a short time, prayers were answered, issues were resolved. Trust in the Angel letter.

  14. Thank you for this powerful information!
