



Lots of information to come .......

Joanne Walmsley
Sacred Scribes


  1. I am looking forward to this chapter, as Im currently reading a book about Agartha in which Saint-Germain features, but I don't know much about this Ascended Master...

  2. St. Germain has communicated expansively about the Violet Flame. The Violet Flame can be used for healing and clearing purposes. That's just a little tidbit. (:

    1. Yes I read about St German and the violet flame, some do decrees to the violet flame, not sure what it's all about yet, unless its raising your vibration.

  3. Yes, we would LOVE more Saint Germaine! 💕


  4. Very interesting character indeed. In 1611, at the age of 46, he is believed to have been one of main translators of the Holy Bible into English for King James. He is also been said to have given us a coded clue as to his identity in the Book of Psalms. Get a KJV Bible and turn to Psalms 46, count 46 words from the first and then 46 words from the end; and this will send you down a whole new rabbit hole! Much Love Always!!!


  5. Very interesting character indeed. In 1611, at the age of 46, he is believed to have been one of main translators of the Holy Bible into English for King James. He is also been said to have given us a coded clue as to his identity in the Book of Psalms. Get a KJV Bible and turn to Psalms 46, count 46 words from the first and then 46 words from the end; and this will send you down a whole new rabbit hole! Much Love Always!!!

    1. I think my counting might be off cause I got “the cutteth”
