

El Moreya


Also known as:  El Morya Khan, Master El Morya, Lord El Moreya, Lord El Morya

Ray:                        1st Ray, the Ray of Divine Will
Colour/s:                 Red and Blue
Focus:                     Life purpose and soul mission
Chakra:                   Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra
Planet:                     Mercury
Signs/Symbols:       Deep Red Heart with a diamond at the centre
Tarot card:              The Emperor IV

The Master El Moreya is the Chohan or Master of the 1st Ray of Divine Will, which is red, as well as the blue ray, which governs drive, will power, confidence and strength. The Ray of Divine Will is the ray of creation and is the root of all structure. El Moreya embodies the ‘will of God’ and is the Master of the ‘Temple of the Will of God’.

El Moreya upholds the integrity of the Universal Spiritual Laws.

El Moreya governs over willpower and personal drive, strength and confidence, and works with rulers, leaders, public servants, executives, military personnel, sports people and the like. El Moreya brings enthusiasm, motivation, encouragement and passion.

Master El Moreya assists with faith, groundedness, energy, psychic protection and making positive life choices and decisions. El Moreya’s influence stimulates those who have the desire to expand their level of awareness, and helps direct those wishing to achieve self-awareness so that they may learn how to express their deep inner thoughts and feelings. El Moreya assists in stimulating those who initially may find some difficulty in realizing the need to accept spiritual enlightenment

El Moreya helps to strengthen our will and encourages us to surrender to a higher, spiritual force, and to experience a greater clarity about our life purposes and how to use our unique talents and abilities to pursue and fulfil them. With faith, courage and a willingness of the soul, El Moreya encourages us to surrender and trust in the Divine, Higher guidance and will. El Moreya also helps us to recognize and acknowledge the light within ourselves and others.

The Ascended Master El Moreya shields you from negative thoughts and energies and helps you to stay centred, grounded and committed to learning, growing, healing and teaching with positive intent and with positive energies.

El Moreya promotes courage and trust, and teaches us to have faith and trust in ourselves, our intuition and our connection to the Universal Energies. El Moreya reminds us that a lack of trust leads to feelings of fear and doubt, and clouds our thinking processes and overrides and stifles those emotions, and intuitive and creative abilities.

Master El Moreya teaches us that trust brings courage and self-confidence, and allows us to move forward in our lives with strength, passion, enthusiasm and determination. El Moreya inspires us to take a leap of faith.

Master El Moreya’s influences are intense, cleansing and catalytic, and instigates change in all areas that need moving forward. El Moreya helps to bring about the ousting of out-dated beliefs, and breaks down old conditioning patterns and behaviours. Master El Moreya helps in the control of one’s willpower and tolerance when life seems difficult.

Within the ancient Tarot, the Ruling Master of The EMPEROR card is the Master El Moreya. 

The Master El Moreya offers his influences to those interested in astrology and numerology. Master El Moreya watches over the numbers 4, 13, 31, but not 22.

El Moreya was an actual man named Ranbir Singh who, once ascended, became the Lord El Moreya. El Moreya is said to have previously incarnated as: Abraham, the Wiseman Melchior, King Arthur – king of the Britons, Akbar the Mogul emperor, El Morya Kharn the Tibetan Mahatma, and Thomas Moore.

Master El Moreya works with Archangel Michael.

Master El Moreya’s Twin Flame is Sachita Kaur, and their etheric, spiritual retreat is over Darjeeling in India, known as the ‘Temple of God’s Will’.

El Moreya helps with:

- faith and trust in ourselves
- decision making and making positive life choices
- grounding
- psychic and energetic protection
- strengthening our will
- recognising our life purpose and acting upon it
- the will and energy to achieve your goals and aspirations
- spiritual development and expansion
- change in all areas that need moving forward

Sacred Scribes


  1. Thank you El Moreya and Archangel Michael for guiding me every step of the way. Many praises be to you, many blessings, and a hundred million thanks to U.

  2. Master El Moreya, Thank you so much. Heartfelt greetings.

  3. Master El Moreya and Archangel Michael, Thank you for the guidance and divine inspiration.
    Much love to Joanne for the good work. Keep it up

  4. Thank You Very Much Acended Master El Moryeya And ArchAngel Micheal For The More Positive Timelines
    Love And Appreciate That With All Of Lights Intentions

  5. Thank you Master El Moreya and Archangel Michael for you assistance in my divine rebirth. I am eternally grateful to finally be free of my self imposed prison and to find the courage and the strong will to shed my skin and come forth as my true self.

  6. Please help my twin flame with decision making and making positive life choices, recognising our life purpose and acting upon it, and spiritual development and expansion. Thank you love you.

  7. Beautiful, yes. I can relate. Thank you, and thanks all the team supporting and guiding us.
