

Channelling Messages From The Angels

Channelling Messages From The Angels

Angels are messengers from the Universe or Source, and by channelling messages from the angels we are able to gain insight into our lives. Our guardian angels are our first connection with the angelic realm. The task of our guardian angel is to guide us through our life lessons and experiences. Our guardian angel (or Spirit Guide) helps us to build upon the knowledge and wisdom that we have already accrued and acquired throughout this life time and those before. Our spirit guide links information together and help us to discover underlying patterns and find clues and insights about them.

Our angels’ insights and revelations can come to us through a vision whilst daydreaming, dreaming while sleeping, and just upon waking from a dream.Channelling messages from the angels is a direct route to angelic inspiration and insight.

It is most important to establish and maintain a loving, personal relationship with your spirit guides and angels based upon faith, trust and love. This assists with building and identifying with your inner-self. Channelling messages from the angels increases our spiritual awareness, and allows us to glean incredible insights.

Channelling messages from the angels can be easily achieved with faith and practice.

*  To begin, either grab a pen and piece of paper, or have a word processing document open on your computer.

*  Formulate your questions by writing them down (or typing them) clearly and concisely.

*  Relax as much as possible and make sure that you are totally comfortable. Ground and centre yourself, and focus upon your true intentions.

*  Calm your mind, body and soul, and open your heart.

*  Summon your guardian angel (spirit guide).

*  Ask your guardian angel to open a harmonious channel for you.

*  Write down exactly what you hear, are told, any visions or impression you may have  -  everything that is given to you without censoring or changing it in any way.

*  Meditate upon your messages and have faith that your subconscious and inner-self are understanding and resonating with the messages.

With faith and trust and patience and practice, you will be able to clearly hear and interpret the messages from your angels and guides.

Spiritual information is always encoded in Light, so after channelling messages from the angels, you may note that you carry more light in your personal energy field or aura.

Joanne Walmsley
Sacred Scribes


  1. Thank you for all of your wonderful posts. Wish you a blessed and wonderful day

    Jonny ☺

  2. It's a bit hard to prove though... It seems like the message is from myself... No one can really prove any of this. Can we?

    1. That is entirely for you to discern, as only you can know what resonates with you, and what doesn't.

    2. Yes it does.

    3. Yes it does. Practice thrusting your inner guidance

    4. I have had messages come through both writing and drawing. Could I prove it to others I don't know I guess they would have to use their inner guidance to discern the truth. How do I know the messages were not my own thoughts? I could feel the energy as the pen/pencil moved, the awe as the words or the image appeared on the paper. As I have sketched Spirit Guides and channelled messages I felt no doubt that these were coming from a higher source than my human mind can create. Even when I speak I often feel the energy. The crash and the doubt come later after the message has been given and shared. I am new to this and have faith that with time those doubts will lesson and disappear. I hope this helps. God Bless you 🙏✨💕😇

    5. Yes it does my Dear.

    6. I feel it's not necessarily something for you to prove. It's more so for your spiritual growth also to help assist and guide you throughout your life. I too know that at times the messages feel as if they are from yourself as I'd felt that way in the beginning also. Begin to ask more questions to gain clarity and the answers as to which were unknown to you will miraculously present to you.

    7. It take Faith to recive, what you belive becomes your reality

  3. I know I have an Angel.
    I was saved from a bad accident or even death.
    I was having short blackouts & thought I was just falling down.One day driving,found myself off the road in a huge feild of all green flat land.I woke & got back on the road.This partcular place doesn't exsist where I was at the time.I finally pulled over & my car & I were fine! I did go to my Dr. She had me quit driving intil all medical tests were done.(3mos) Nothing physically wrong,she said it was stress! I was going through a lot at this time.I do believe & call it Divine Intervention...
    A truly remarkable experience!I lost my grown daughter to an illness & I have known when she is with me, I've smelled her perfume & she leaves 1 tiny feather in specific areas,always when I need help or I'm upset! I know GOD has given me a special knowledge of knowing things before they happen also.This manifested several yrs ago.If you pay attention you can too manifest specific powers or knowledge also. Take time to LISTEN to Mother Nature & all your surroundings! There's much to be given to you! Ask your Angels & GOD.
    YOU will see,feel,smell, hear etc! This is ALL good....I believe we all have gifts we are given, we only have to believe & pay attention. Thank you Kat (my Angel daughter, JOY 1967-2008) ��

    1. Thank you for sharing! Mach love to you and your Angel-daughter <3

    2. Thanks for sharing. Yes something of the sort happened to me as well. I was over exerted & working too much, stressed as well and I started fainting! Out of no where, would feel fine, begin to feep really hot out of no where, sweating & boom I'd wake up on the floor and remember nothing but the heat & dizziness prior. Doctors claim it was dehydration but within I knew it was more! I too have the gift of knowing things before they happen,(Premonitions & clairvoyance/ claircognizance so on & so forth) I'd never really truly realized it until after my spiritual rebirth and after that it was very clear. I am an open channel. I have visions and such Divine experiences

    3. Forgive me for bothering you, but I am curious as to what month and day did your Angel daughter go to Heaven?! With Every Death, there is Life! My daughter was born in 2008!!!!

  4. Thank you Kat for sharing ��✨���� God Bless you I am glad your daughter gives you strength and courage ��✨����

  5. I believe in the spiritual realm. I believe the Lord speaks to me directly. There have been times, when I've questioned whether it was me or Him, and my heart's desire is to be guided and directed by the angels, as well as the Holy Spirit. But, I wanna know it is my Spirit, and not just my will or desire.

    1. Never forget we are Spiritual Beings having an human experience.Rather than human beings having a spiritual experience. Your mind, spirit, & physical must become aligned. Yes it is certainly possible that you have channeled God himself as I know that I have, as well as my guardian Angel,& the ascended masters. If you want to be for certain whom you are channeling, ask and quiet your mind, center your thoughts and wait for the answer. Hope this was helpful

  6. im number 11......much love ,,,god teach me who i am for you and me and everyone adopted orphan,forsaken twice,,,picked up by god......

    1. I took God as my father when I realized my father didnt care too much about me. I too have been abandoned time and time again. You will grow and flourish just find peace and knowing in His divine love.

  7. If you receive numbers as I do .. vocally and in visions .. and each time you look those up they turn out to be legit in what was going on that day and what’s

    I am not sure how these people come up with meaning of numbers and when this system was adopted .. but the thing is angels and guides don’t care about all that if you ask me lol

    They will show you fucking Santa Claus and sing choire Christmas �� songs if it can be link to something you will understand that will benefit you

  8. Angels are everywhere to help us. It has been a great journey for soul (and will definitely be in future) when you have such immense power helping you from higher source.

  9. Thanks to my Angels praise God

  10. Thank you for sharing all these beautiful information with all of us! 🙏✨✨✨🙏!

  11. Thank you so much for this needed information in my journey. Big hugs

  12. You have open my conscious mind wild ,and my subconscious too is obeying every word my Spiritual Guide and Team of Angels are saying .Thank you for posting 📫 this.

  13. I feel as if you are one of my Guardian Angels. You have helped me More than I can express.
    With Infinite Love and Gratitude,
    Celeste Eve

  14. Thank you for your Beautiful Ability to bring light to all of us in Search! We are truly blessed by your gift that helps to enlighten us! Thank you for all that you do!!!

  15. Do you remember any of the ways/things you did to channel that as a kid? If you do, you could try them again and see how they feel! How you specifically connect to your spirituality/Spirit doesn't have to look like anyone else. Meditation works for some but not all! It only has to feel meaningful to you ❤️ Good luck!
