

Archangel Seraphiel


Also known: Serapiel, Serafiel, Seraphael.

Colour:                 Red
Planet:                 Mercury, Moon
Day:                     Tuesday
Direction:             North
Crystals:              Amber, Fire Agate, Zincite, Nuumite, Magnesite, Plume Agate, Garnet

Archangel Seraphiel is the angel of the ‘Divine Feminine’, Moon magic, seasons, tides, and the phases of life. Archangel Seraphiel is known as a ‘fiery’ angel as his flames burn away all impurities. Archangel Seraphiel helps you to cleanse and purify your life and can be called upon to burn away any harmful or hindering energies and/or blockages.

Archangel Seraphiel aids with building and strengthening your faith so that you are able to live a more peaceful and serene life. Seraphiel helps to calm the mind and release fears, troubles and worries.

Archangel Seraphiel assist us with becoming closer to the Divine Source and with finding our true spiritual path. Call upon Archangel Seraphiel to find a meaningful spiritual path and/or to develop and deepen your spiritual wisdom.
Archangel Seraphiel helps with:

- cleansing and purifying your life
- clearing blockages
- calming the mind and releaseingfears, troubles and worries
- building and strengthening your faith
- finding your true spiritual path
- developing spiritual wisdom and knowledge

Joanne Walmsley
Sacred Scribes


  1. Dear Seraphiel,

    Thank you for assisting my journey and guiding my life. Love and light always.

  2. Thank you Seraphiel xxx

  3. Seraphim... I wanna thank you for your very presence... It's not unnoticed and is not in vain... Your continued assistance is very needed and appreciated... Peace and love

  4. Dear archangel seraphiel please can you clear all my fears blockages and have lovr in myself and my life from my family and life in general and clear energies around my digestive system. Thsnkyou and my heart chakras. Both of these chakras. Thank you love to alk the angels peace and harmony xx

  5. Dear archangel seraphiel please can you clear all my fears blockages and have lovr in myself and my life from my family and life in general and clear energies around my digestive system. Thsnkyou and my heart chakras. Both of these chakras. Thank you love to alk the angels peace and harmony xx

  6. You people will call upon every name under the sun except the name of Jesus, sigh

    1. You can believe in angels and other beings and still believe in Jesus

  7. I know your in my life and my #1 guide. I appreciate you and and beyond grateful for all your love and assistance. Please continue to guide me and intervene in my life.
