

Archangel Chamuel


Also known as:  Camiel, Kemuel, Camael, Camiul, Camniel, Cancel, Johoel, Kemuel, Khamael, Seraphiel, Shemuel

Ray:                               3rd Ray
Colour:                           Pink  (all shades)
Focus:                            Relationships
Chakra:                          Heart
Element:                        Air. Developing the higher emotions
Crystal:                          Rose Quartz, Flourite
Day/s:                            Friday, Monday, Tuesday
Planet:                           Venus, Mars
Crystal:                          Rose Quartz, Green Adventurine, Jade, Prehnite
Animals:                        Deer, Dove, Rabbit, Butterfly
Trees:                           Cherry and Apple
Essential Oil:                 Rose Otto and Rose

Astrology/Zodiac:          Aries, Scorpio

Archangel Chamuel’s name means ‘he who sees God’ or ‘he who seeks God’.

Archangel Chamuel’s message is: “It is only the love energy within any given purpose that gives lasting value and benefit to all creation”.

Archangel Chamuel presides over the Sephira Geburah on the Tree of Life.

Rose Quartz crystals resonate with Archangel Chamuel’s healing energies and emotional healing.

Archangel Chamuel helps to renew and improve your loving relationships with others by helping to develop the Heart Chakra. Essential oils of Rose Otto and Rose can be used to connect with Archangel Chamuel, and are used to open the heart chakra, bringing love, inner-peace and emotional balance. When you expand your heart chakra your cosmic heart becomes open and you can connect to the love of the cosmos.

The Pink Ray of Archangel Chamuel takes the heat out of emotional stress and restores equilibrium without suppressing the release process.

Archangel Chamuel brings the energies of unconditional love, beauty and compassion, and specializes in emotional healing.

Archangel Chamuel is known as the ‘Angel of Love’ and he oversees all the ‘Angels of Love’. They pour unconditional love into you and enable you to express love through creativity of all kinds. Angels of Love appear unexpectedly in response to people who are working with their hearts open and Archangel Chamuel sheds his loving light over artists, philosophers, peacemakers, metaphysicians and musicians.

Archangel Chamuel and the Angels of Love bring pure compassion and love when you need it. The Angels of Love help in any situation that requires heartfelt communication and will do whatever they are able to within the guidelines of the Universal Spiritual Laws to ease your life and heal a hurting heart. The Angels of Love specialize in making your daily life more harmonious.

Chamuel assists with all of our relationships and particularly through life-changing relationship situations that may involve conflict, emotional upheaval, bereavement and separation or endings. Archangel Chamuel also assists with seeking ‘soul mates’ and life-partners and helps in all situations that require heart-felt communication.

Archangel Chamuel helps us to find true love in personal relationships and works to help us build strong foundations for healthy, long-lasting and meaningful relationships. Chamuel helps us to appreciate the existing love relationships we have in our lives today.

Archangel Chamuel helps us to improve and renew relationships and helps us to build solid foundations so that they are meaningful, healthy and long-lasting. Chamuel assists with strengthening bonds, feeling love for the self and others, clearing negative emotions and blockages, and healing a broken heart. Chamuel assists us with our abilities to love and nurture others, and to be able to give and receive love unconditionally, free from all self-interest. It is unconditional love that transcends and transforms the self and moves us through compassion towards emotional security.

Archangel Chamuel helps people to find compassion and forgiveness and expand the love in their hearts. Archangel Chamuel enables us to experience self-love and dissolves the feelings of low self-esteem.

Archangel Chamuel helps us to seek out important parts of our lives, such as relationships of all kinds, careers, lost items and our Divine life purpose and soul mission. Archangel Chamuel helps us to build strong foundations for all of our relationships and careers so that they are long-lasting, successful and meaningful.

Archangel Chamuel embodies protection in the form of prowess and skill, and represents the acquisition and utilization of skills and resources, enabling us to face and overcome obstacles and challenges in our lives.

Archangel Chamuel heralds peace on Earth and can be called upon to help you to find whatever will bring you peace. If you don’t know exactly what you want or need, Chamuel will lead you to what will bring you the most lasting peace. Archangel Chamuel assists with global peace, so if feeling concerned about conflicts and/or war anywhere in the world, ask Chamuel to bring about peace.

Archangel Chamuel can help to ease tension and nervousness, and can be called upon to ease and manage worry and anxiety and bring about inner-peace. Archangel Chamuel is known as the protector of the weak and defender of the down-trodden, and may be called upon for comfort, protection and intervention.

As Archangel Chamuel can see everything in all directions of time, Chamuel and the Angels of Love can help you to find lost items of all kinds. Just ask quietly for their help. They will look after things until you can collect or claim them, or will help to have them returned to you. If it is yours by Divine right, the angels will look after it. If it is not, let it go.

Archangel Chamuel’s twin flame is Charity. Charity touches you with the feminine qualities of mercy, compassion, tenderness and empathy. Together, Archangel Chamuel and Charity focus upon expanding the heart energy of those who wish to share and spread higher truths (such as lightworkers, peacemakers, philosophers etc). They imbue love and light into the hearts of writers, poets, artists and all who work from their hearts. Archangel Chamuel and Charity impress all kinds of creators to enable them to express their higher-selves through their work. 

Call upon Archangel Chamuel and Charity if you are feeling heart-broken or sad and they will help you to heal and mend. They will help to ease the pain and/or inability to forgive another and will melt the pain within you caused by unresolved anger, hurt, fear and/or guilt.

Archangel Chamuel and Charity are bringing in the energies of the 3rd Ray  -  the pink ray of active, creative intelligence. This is the ray of unconditional love. The highest expressions of the pink ray are dedication, sincerity, imagination, organization and clarity.

Archangel Chamuel and Charity oversee the development of the higher emotions of the Heart Chakra. As you evolve spiritually the pink of the heart chakra become a lighter pink and the spiritual colour violet develops. The heart chakra is the centre of unconditional love.
On a physical level, the heart chakra governs the heart, lungs, thymus glands, chest, shoulders, arms, and hands. When the heart chakra is functioning properly, your heart chakra opens and you radiate love and warmth, and your immune system is strong. Developing the heart chakra allows you to open your heart to unconditional love and acceptance of others. Archangel Chamuel helps you to forgive and release the past and expand the love in your heart.

You can call upon Archangel Chamuel if you are feeling broken-hearted or bruised, if you are feeling blocked through emotional pain or are unable to forgive another. Archangel Chamuel will help you find peace and forgiveness and will help to resolve hurts, anger, fear and/or guilt.

To invoke emotional healing from Archangel Chamuel, burn pink candles, or use pink roses when making your request.

Archangel Chamuel also works closely with Serapis Bey, the Chohan or Master of the third Ray. Master Serapis Bey’s mission is to assist the planet and he is the only Ascended Master who works with the Seraphim, who maintain the vibration of Creation/Source. Serapis Bey is the ‘Keeper of the White Flame’ for humanity.

Each of the archangels has a special place in the etheric of planet Earth and you can ask to visit their temples where they work during mediation or sleep. Archangel Chamuel’s retreat is over St Louis, Missouri, USA. Visit Archangel Chamuel’s spiritual retreat to be bathed in unconditional love.

Archangel Chamuel helps with:

- easing anxiety and bringing about inner-peace
- finding lost objects and items
- strengthening relationship bonds
- feeling love for the self and others
- clearing negative emotions and blockages
- healing a broken heart
- facing and overcoming obstacles and challenges
- world peace
- realizing your life purpose and soul mission

* Joanne Walmsley
Sacred Scribes


  1. Dear Chamuel,

    Thank you for helping to guide my always!

  2. O Most Holy Khamael Thank You!

    Love & Light

  3. The name "Camille" came to me the other day while on a meditative walk. I've been meditating a lot on peace, healing a hurting heart and living from my anahata.. Wow thank you so much for this site and it's resources. It brings me peace and comfort

  4. The name "Camille" came to me the other day while on a meditative walk. I've been meditating a lot on peace, healing a hurting heart and living from my anahata.. Wow thank you so much for this site and it's resources. It brings me peace and comfort

  5. Thank you Archangel Chamul for hearing me and guiding me to heal my hearts Chakra .blessings and Love 💝

  6. Archangel Chameul you have been guiding me over the last 3 days correcting my pathway and helping me channel my energy and love. I need your guidance and note that I feel so much happier in body mind and soul now that you are helping me. Please accept my true thanks and love on this site for all to see and share.

  7. been feeling strange lately.....reading this article im confident archangel chamuel is with me

  8. Archangel Chamuel pray for us

  9. How to invoke Archangel Chamuel

  10. I have been working with Chamuel now for several years, whether it's finding lost things to helping my relationship, to assisting me in finding my dream job. His light is so pure and so full of love. I sometimes worry that I call on him too much. But I find myself seeking him out a lot. Thank you Chamuel, and I am also sharing this to give him public glory.

  11. Peace and Blessings light keeper Joanne sacred scribe ~ the full Light of Arch Angel Chamuel 💓💗🔥🦋😘

  12. Tua-k, Tua-Tu. NTRU Asended ArchAngel Chamuel : Hesi 💓
    Thank you the all one divine CHAMUEL , thanks for your visits and visions, I Love You Too, from: Noble Hetersphere Amen Ra Eil

  13. Thank you Joanne of Sacred Scribes. You are a blessing. I appreciate all your articles. And to Archangel Chamuel, thank you for opening my heart.

  14. Thank you Archangel Chamuel.��

  15. Archangel Chamuel,
    I'm so glad I found you today on this site... I need to get some pink & green candles & invoke your blessings. I read a lot of articles about you & prayed with absolute faith. I am so thankful to you today for guiding me to you. Pray for all people seeking your help. May your guiding hand guide me to a brand new direction & new people. Amen.

  16. Thank you so much for sending the fox and the blue ray 1 being to the beach that night!!!

    The Moon Night And Blue Lights
    Fires At My Feet As I Walk Thin Ice

  17. Thank you 🙏

  18. Synchronicity!!! Yesterday I called up on the angels to help me unblock some negative energies and anxiety I was going thru to know what is the next step in my soul mission… today, it has been so magical, my day went so so so well and I’m so grateful to Chamuel since my family felt the same change in our environment today.. it just felt like a dream come true…. Thank you so much ♥️
